My Work

Four adults looking down in a meeting


Code Refracting

Github Repository Visit Site
Day scheduler with timeblocks from 9:00 to 17:00. Coffee is written as a tak at 15:00 and the current display block of 17:00 has a colour of red

HTML, CSS & JQuery

Day Scheduler

Github Repository Visit Site
Screen shot of Weather Dashboard application. Current forecast and five day forecast of Perth

HTML, CSS, JavaScript & OpenWeather API

Weather Dashboard

Github Repository Visit Site
Screen shot of Giggles and Food application. Family sitting down at dinner table

HTML, CSS, JavaScript & Bulma

Giggles and Food

Github Repository Visit Site
Computer screen displaying code

Node, Express, Bycrpt, Handlebars, MySQL, Handlebars

Tech Blog

Github Repository Visit Site
Computer screen displaying code

Coming Soon

Computer screen displaying code

Coming Soon

Computer screen displaying code

Coming Soon